Every Dollar. Whole Mission.

Every dollar given to Via Church goes toward the mission of our church! Through your generosity you are: establishing a strong church where God has planted us, coming alongside our local partners to bless our city, engaging with our global partners that reach around the world, & more. Giving online is a simple secure way to worship God with your income. When we give, we are really offering back to God what is already his. God tells us through his word to give consistently (Proverbs 3:9), generously (2 Corinthians 9:6), and cheerfully (2 Corinthians 9:7).

When you give to Via Church online, you're using a system that sends a link to your email to authenticate your identity in a fast and secure step.


Mail your offering to:

740 N. Power Rd
Mesa, AZ 85205


*If you are a Canadian citizen and would like to give to Via Church you can receive an income tax-deductible receipt for the Canada Revenue Agency by clicking here.